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The Kingdom of Xenora
In the shadow of a volcano overlooking the jungle of Lanerall. You will
find the Kingdom of Xenora. On the climb to our fair city is you may find
platinum, gold and silver nuggets. On the bottom slope of the mountain you
can find the mine of Xenora, which is mined by the industrious gnomes, who
live in and near the city itself. It is rumored that there is a secret
passage to the palace, of which only the miners know. The palace is built
as close to the top of the volcano as possible. But before the palace the
City square should be mentioned because in it resides a statue of the
queen, Heather. In the palace on the way to the throne room the walls
shine as if just polished, and the carpet is cleaned daily to ensure the
deep green never fades. The throne of the ruler is a massive onyx chair
covered in gold inlays of kingly conquests. For comfort a large zebra pelt
is draped across the chair.
Then there are the armed forces composed of the strongest and most
brave of the population. First the army composing the bulk of Xenoras
fighting force lead by the great General. The army is large and well
trained by the not only their commanders but by the harsh environment of
the Volcano. Then theres the Navy lead by another, composed of only the
finest officers. With fastest ships and the most highly trained magi who
have mastered the fine art of gating. The army of Xenora is made of
experienced battle harden warriors due to our conflict with the Drow